Efficiency is the ratio between the work generated and the energy supplied. Depending on the input material, the LTC process achieves a high overall efficiency in electricity generation.

All modern gas-fired power stations can only be operated with high-quality and expensive energy sources such as natural gas, heavy fuel oil, etc. The LTC process, on the other hand, refines a wide variety of input materials such as biomass, household waste, sewage sludge, plastic, tyres, etc. into conversion gas, which can be converted into electricity with constant quality and high efficiency in turbine-generator stations. The process generates synthetic energy sources such as diesel, paraffin, petrol and hydrogen with the same high efficiency in a downstream system.

The LTC process is designed as a circular process. All of the waste heat from electricity generation can be used to heat the LTC process. In this way, electrical energy is generated with high efficiency from low-grade fuels and waste – without significant heat losses – and the plant can also supply its own electricity and heat.

The LTC -process differs from other systems moreover by:

  • Possibilities for targeted process control
  • Low operating temperatures
  • Low emissions
  • High-quality construction with redundant design of sensitive system areas
  • High system operating safety