Latest Situation

Successful industrial locations require inexpensive electrical energy. However, a high proportion of the electricity costs result from the line charges alone. If the required electricity is generated directly at the consumer, these specific costs for grid transmission can be saved. In addition, there are no connection and supply costs.

Current Problem

However, the costs for the fuel required are decisive for the production of one’s own electricity. With modern, fully automatic gas generators, every industrial company could easily generate its own electricity requirements.


If conversion gas is used to generate electricity in the company’s own turbine-generator stations, a much cheaper turbine fuel is available compared to natural gas.


  • With this concept, large electricity consumers, such as producers of machinery, production lines, presses, ovens, etc., can be operated with the much cheaper self-generated electricity.
  • The amount of CO2 saved by converting the biogas into electricity can be credited or sold.
  • Energy-intensive businesses can thus be set up and operated independently of the regional supply. (Building construction and civil engineering, mining, tunnelling, quarries, etc.) In addition, existing energy consumers can also be converted to environmentally neutral electricity operation.
  • This biogas can also be used to operate forklift trucks, crawler loaders, lorries, etc. in an environmentally friendly manner.