Latest Situation
The mountains of waste are currently growing in every civilisation. Savings that have been made cannot be realised. Incineration of waste is currently the solution.
Current Problem
Old dumps are getting full, new dumps are hardly authorised any more. Waste is just stored; it putrefies and the gas that is created is burned off without being utilised. Noxious substances trickle away and must be collected and processed at high expenses.
With low-temperature conversion, mixed household waste can be converted into gas and used to generate electricity without any major waste separation effort.
The main advantages
- Useless waste becomes cheap energy.
- Closed system, no emission of noxious substances to the environment
- Small and profitable plants, since very expensive components needed for waste combustion facilities such as exhaust gas purification, slag stabilisation etc. are not required. The same is also true with regard to the running operating costs.
- Compared to an incineration plant, this system is significantly more favourable in terms of investment, as far lower construction costs are required.
- Much higher efficiency compared to incineration.
Cost-effective operation of the system, as no additional energy is required for firing, for example.