Thank you for 2024 & outlook for 2025

Mit der ACA-Demoanlage erzielten wir in 2024 starke Ergebnisse. 2025 optimieren wir weiter und verwandeln CO₂ in wertvolle CNTs!

Extract from a report of the Polish daily newspaper “Rzeczpospolita” on 24.02.2019

The largest coking coal producer in the European Union, Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa, works together with the Swiss AGT Management & Engineering and the University of St. Andrews in Scotland to produce graphs in cylinders.

UN climate conference in Katowice

At the UN climate conference in Katowice AGT, as a partner of JSW, informs the public about the cooperation with JSW and the University of St. Andrews and the successfully completed development of CO2 splitting and CMS production using LTC and ACA processes.

Time for nanotubes

Technology of the future soon in Poland. Carbon nanostructures will be produced through international cooperation. Today, JSW Innowacje SA and AGT Management & Engineering AG in Switzerland signed a cooperation agreement for the development and implementation of production technology of carbon nanostructures. This innovative project assumes the production of carbon nanostructures, including carbon nanotubes using a technology involving low temperature conversion and [...]